
The ranger in the shadow in the deep forests, the unheard step, the piercing eyes and cunning ear. Those who choose this path in life, are those who are the most powerful for their unpredictability.
Bowmen are excelentent fighters. Even one on one, the best bowman may stand up to the heaviest fighter,and he will give a good accounting of himself. Bowmen have less formal schooling in close fighting and weaponry than warriors, but compensate partially by constantly facing wild animals and monsters.
Fighting is not what bowmen are about, though. The ultimate woodsman, will live exclusively off the land, returning to civilization only to repair his metal tools. If he so chooses and has a place where to work, he can avoid even that.
Bowmen craft wares of wood and fashion garments of tissue and leather that are very appreciated by all who know good work. Some have developed a taste for music, which they play to while away the long hours and soothe their souls.
Many learn how to deal peacefully with animals and train them. This, combined with their ability to move unseen and track the spoor of their quarry, makes of them the best animal tamers in the land.
A few have learned the uses of the plants and shrubs found in the forest and can fashion simple concoctions with which they cure some maladies. They are also not averse to putting unpleasant substances on their blades.
When entering the forest, remember. You may not know where the bowman is, but he knows where you are.

Armors allowed to this classe:

Leather Armor
Studded Leather Armor
Chainmail Armor
Ringmail Armor
* Can use shields up to metal shield

Skills List

Main Skills
(Max. 100)
Master Skills
(Max. 90)
Secondary Skills
(Max. 70)
Tertiary Skills
(Max. 30/50)
Negative Skills
(Max. 0)

Resisting spells




Animal taming





Animal lore


Detecting hidden





Lumberjack (30)

Mining (30)

Blacksmith (30)

Parrying (30)

Carpentry (50)

Cooking (50)

Fishing (50)

Alchemy (50)

Tinkering (50)

Fencing (50)

Macefighting (50)

Wrestling (50)

Poisoning (50)

Arms lore (50)

Item id (50)

(all the others)