
A hard-bitten, seasoned weapons master, the fighter is both the champion and the bane of civilization. Whether on the walls pushing back the barbarians or on a rude ladder trying to get over the wall, sword in one hand and torch in the other, the fighter is everywhere.

The fighter can be a brute or he can be a gentleman; in both cases he lives by his courage and skill, the strength of his arm. What most people don't see is that his greatest weapon is his sharp mind, steady heart and keen tactical ability.

Other professions best him in some areas of warfare, such as ambush or the ability to cause damage at long range, but once he gets within arms reach of an opponent the fighter is the master of the situation.
Warriors are experts at their trade, and for this they concentrate so much that they can't specialize in other areas. There are other reasons why fighters do not practice other skills. Proud and haughty, fighters generally have a fiery temperament and a keen consciousness of their worth. A hand used to holding a sword is not deemed appropriate for threading a needle, though it is certainly capable to. Most fighters happen to be very good at that task, though they only show it when stitching the flesh of a wounded friend. By one of life's many ironies, warriors were the first to study the art of non-magical healing and they are still the best at it.

Fighters in general are rather independent and capable of surviving in the wild, tracking and bringing down meat for the table, taking care of their wounds when needed. For those of better position in society, hunting is one of the main ways that they remain in shape for combat. Most fighters also show a keen ability for dealing with horses, dogs and other animals.

Armors allowed to this classe:

No armor restrictions

Skills List

Main Skills
(Max. 100)
Secondary Skills
(Max. 70)
Tertiary Skills
(Max. 50 / 30)
Negative Skills
(Max. 0)










Magic Resistance




Animal Lore


Arms Lore

Carpentry (50)

Hiding (30)

DetectingHidden (30)

Lumberjacking (30)

Mining (30)

Blacksmithing (30)

Bowcraft (30)



(all the others)