
In this world of magic all beings hold magic within them. Every person is born with magic in his body and soul. Only a few can channel that magic, mould and use it.
Magic is a very powerful force and it deeply affects all who use it. The ability to use it requires a powerful mind, capable of cunning reasoning and steel-hard willpower, deep self-knowledge and intensive study. It also requires sacrifice.

When used, the raw energies of magic harm the body that directs them. These energies blasting through the body degrade the reflexes and health. Very occasionally, a miscast spell burst can actually hurt the magic user. This balance of energy is so sensible that anything they have over their skin, anything that keeps them from the flow of energy around them can harm their ability to control their magic. With time and proficiency in magic, wearing anything restrictive becomes physically uncomfortable for them, feeling as if they were being isolated from the magical energies of the world, slowly frozen to death. For this reason they avoid confinement like a plague.

Due to their inability to use armour and lack of training in fighting, the mage is very vulnerable when in close combat. Some train especially hard to avoid blows, but they don't reach even near the proficiency of a halfway decent fighter.

The path of magic is hard and slow, requiring great dedication and giving very little rewards at first. Why do people follow it?

For many it is inevitable. Magic sings in their blood and they won't conceive of other path. Others are attracted to it by its power, as there is much that only magic can do, either for good and evil. A mage is especially good at causing effect at great ranges, striking down his foes or helping his friends.

Mages can never become Paladins or Clerics. The flexibility of thought required to be able to understand and use magic does not coexist with the rigidity of belief needed to dedicate oneself wholly unto a deity.

Armors allowed to this classe:

No armor allowed

Skills List

Main Skills
(Max. 100)
Secondary Skills
(Max. 70)
Tertiary Skills
(Max. 50 / 40 /30)
Negative Skills
(Max. 0)



Evaluate Intelligence

Resisting magic


Item ID

Arms Lore


Forensic Evaluation

Spirit Speak






Tactics (50)

Macefighting (50)

Swordsmanship (40)

Fencing (40)

Fishing (30)

DetectingHidden (30)

(all the others)